
英語のアポストロフィの歴史については、Phil Scholfield (2016)の”Modernization and standardization since the seventeenth century” (in The Routledge Handbook of the English Writing System, ed. Vivian Cook & Des Ryan, pp. 143-161, Routledge, 2016)の中の記述が分かりやすいです。



“In the seventeenth century we therefore find in the nominative plural both <potatoes> and <potato’s> and <books> but not <book’s> (where for many people there was no <e> to omit). In the genitive we see both <the foxes mouth> and <a fox’s tail> and also <womens> but not <women’s> etc., and the King James Bible (1611) <Davids confidence in Gods grace>”. (p. 151)


“The later rationalization was for the apostrophe to obligatorily mark the genitive of nouns regardless of any omitted letter, so allowing <book’s, wife’s, children’s> but for the genitive of pronouns (<hers, its>) and nominative plurals (<books, wives>) to be spelt in full with no apostrophe. The use of apostrophe for nominative plurals does however resist complete extinction: with numerals and capital letters an apostrophe may or may not be used. Many prefer <the 1960’s>, <two DVD’s> and <do’s and don’ts> to <the 1960s> <two DVDs> and <dos and don’ts>”. (p. 151)