(1) C11DB: Scragg, Donald, Alexander Rumble and Kathryn Powell, eds. 2004. Manchester Eleventh-Century Spellings Database
(2) C11G: Scragg, Donald and Kathryn Powell. 2009. English Glosses in Eleventh-Century Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts
(3) Cameron 1973: Cameron, Angus. 1973. ‘A List of Old English Texts’, in A Plan for the Dictionary of Old English eds. Roberta Frank and Angus Cameron. Toronto: University of Toronto
Press. 25-306
(4) ESAWYER: Keynes, Simon et al. The Electronic Sawyer: Online Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Charters. 2010
(5) Gneuss & Lapidge 2014: Gneuss, Helmut and Michael Lapidge. 2014. Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts: A Bibliographical Handlist of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100. Toronto: Toronto UP
(6) Helsinki Corpus: Risannen, Matti et al. 1991. The Helsinki Corpus of English Texts
(7) Ker 1957: Ker, N. R. 1957. Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon. Oxford: Clarendon Press
(8) LAEME: Laing, Margaret. 2013. A Linguistic Atlas of Early Middle English, 1150-1325. Version 3.2
(9) Laing 1993: Laing, Margaret. 1993. Catalogue of Sources for a Linguistic Atlas of Early Medieval English. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer
(10) Med Bibliography: Lewis, Robert and Mary Jane Williams. 2000. Middle English Dictionary Bibliography.
Online Version
(11) Pelteret 1990: Pelteret, David A. E. 1990. Catalogue of English Post-Conquest Vernacular Documents. Woodbridge: Boydell
(12) PPCME: Kroch, Anthony, Ann Taylor and Beatrice Santorini. 2016. Penn-HelsinkiParsed Corpus of Middle English. 2nd ed. Release 4
(13) Scragg 2021: Scragg, Donald. 2021. A Conspectus of Scribal Hands Writing English, 700-1100. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer
(14) TOXIIC: Faulkner, Mark. 2018. Trinity Old English from the XIIth Century. Release 1
(15) YCOE: Taylor, Ann et al. 2003. York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose
(16) YCOEP: Pintzuk, Susan and Leendert Plug. 2001. York-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Poetry
The Searobend project — which takes its name from an Old English word meaning ‘clever linkage’ — uses techniques from computer science to link sixteen major resources for the study of English texts from the High Middle Ages (c. 1000-1300), making much clearer how much survives and what proportion of this is available digitally. The project, funded by the Irish Research Council’s Coalesce scheme from 2022–2024, is a partnership between the School of English and the Adapt Centre at Trinity College Dublin.
プロジェクトのメンバーは、Mark Faulkner, Declan O’Sullivan, Colleen Curran, Lucy McKenna, Ivan Bacher