Manfred Markus, Yoko Iyeiri, Reinhard Heuberger, & Emil Chamson (eds.), Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics: A Multi-dimensional Approach (John Benjamins, 2012)

2009年に、インスブルック大学で、MMECL: Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguisticsという学会を開催しました。この際の口頭発表の一部を論文集として編纂したのが、本書、Middle and Modern English Corpus Linguistics: A Multi-dimensional Approachになります。コーパス言語学の方法論に関するものから具体的な研究事例まで、多数の論考が含まれています。方言学に関する論文が比較的多く含まれているのも本論文集の特徴です。
List of Abbreviations
Manfred Markus, Yoko Iyeiri, Reinhard Heuberger and Emil Chamson
Part I: Corpus Linguistics Today and Tomorrow
Can’t see the wood for the trees?: Corpora and the study of Late Modern English (Joan Beal)
Spelling variation in Middle English manuscripts: The case for an integrated corpus approach (Stefan Diemer)
Part II: Aspects of Language Change
The development of compound numerals in English Biblical translations (Isao Hashimoto)
The complements of causative make in Late Middle English (Yoko Iyeiri)
The pragmaticalization and intensification of verily, truly and really: A corpus-based study on the developments of three truth-identifying adverbs (Tine Defour)
Concept-driven semasiology and onomasiology of CLERGY: Focus on the lexicogenesis of pope, bishop and priest (Sylwester Łodej)
ANGER and TĒNE in Middle English (Hans-Jürgen Diller)
Part III: Middle and Modern English Case Studies
The subjunctive vs. modal auxiliaries: Lest-clauses in Late Middle English prose texts (Namiko Kikusawa)
Some notes on the distribution of the quantifier all in Middle English (Tomohiro Yanagi)
Interjections in Middle English: Chaucer’s “Reeve’s Tale” and the Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse (Hans Sauer)
Why and what in Early Modern English drama (Ursula Lutzky)
Colloquialization and not-contraction in nineteenth-century English (Erik Smitterberg)
Part IV: Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary and Thereafter
The complexity and diversity of the words in Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary (Manfred Markus)
Etymology in the English Dialect Dictionary (Emil Chamson)
Towards an understanding of Joseph Wright’s sources: White Kennett’s Parochial Antiquities (1695) and the English Dialect Dictionary (Javier Ruano-García)
The importance of being Janus: Midland speakers and the “North-South Divide” (Clive Upton)
… ging uns der ganze alte Dialektbegriff in eine Illusion auf: The deterritorialization of dialects in the 20th and 21st centuries (Christian Mair)