言語研究 — 境界を超えるということ

Isabel Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño & Begoña Crespo García (eds.), New Trends in English Historical Linguistics: An Atlantic View (Universidade da Coruña, 2004)

本書の冒頭に編者による序章として “Old Trends, New Trends” (pp. 17-29)が掲載されている。この中で、通時性と共時性についての以下のように記されている。言語研究における通時性と共時性は半ば前提となっている考え方ではあるが、両者間の境界が必ずしも明確ではない。

“However, there is no clear-cut division in the Saussurean dichotomy synchrony/diachrony. It is undeniable that any synchronic period of a language has a diachronic dimension because it in corporates reminiscences of past stages of that language. Languages are always subject to synchronic variation, hence the existence of idiolects, sociolects, dialects or registers. It is the tension between different variants that provokes language changes. …” (pp. 17-18)


”Twentieth century linguistics underwent a methodological renewal process which triggered off a widening of objectives and the incorporation of other areas of study (…). All this brought about a new interpretation of historical studies that viewed language as a system characterised by both dynamism and stability at the same time (Tejada Caller, 1999). To explore this paradox the historical linguist has applied different general theories to the study of language evolution: sociolinguistics, cognitivism (…), typology, pragmatics, discourse analysis, corpus lingusitics or grammatlicalization studies”. (p. 24)


  • ”Syntactic Categories and Syntactic Change: The Development of Subjunctive Periphrases in English” (John Anderson)
  • “On Interpreting Old English Data as Evidence for Reconstructing Old English: In Part a Defence of Philology, with Special Reference to Personal Names on Anglo-Saxon Coins” (Colman)
  • “Prepositions Referring to Path in Middle English: Bi and Thurh” (Luis Iglesias-Rabade)
  • “Use of Progressive Aspect in 18th-Century English: A Study of Personal Letters” (Catherine Smith)
  • “Evidence for Diachronic Semantic Change in the Historical Thesaurus of English: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach”. (Louise Sylvester)
  •  “The Use of the Auxiliary Do in Negation in Tom Jones and Some Other Literary Works of the Contemporary Period” (Yoko Iyeiri)




  • 境界を意識し、境界を超える(1) — 時代の区分
  • 境界を意識し、境界を超える(2) — 分野の区分
  • 境界を意識し、境界を超える(3) — 共時性と通時性





① 形態論 vs 統語論:両者は不可分であり、ともに構文の形式を扱う

② 意味論 vs 語用論:両者は不可分であり、ともに構文の意味を扱う

③ 辞書的意味 vs 百科事典的意味:両者は不可分であり、ともに言語を産出・理解する上で重要である

④ 語彙 vs 文法規則:両者は不可分であり、ともに抽象性や複雑性が異なる文法である

(pp. 207-8)
