Lingua franca

Lingua franca — 用語の使い方


”English as a lingua franca is a particular kind of language contact: a lingua franca is a vehicular language, or a contact language, used when speakers do not share a first language. Some definitions, like this one (see also, for example, Jenkins 2000 or Seidlhofter 2011) allow native speakers to be included, whereas some other ELF scholars, like Firth (1996) or House (2002), have preferred definitions that exclude native speakers altogether.” (Anna Mauranen, Ray Carey, and Elina Ranta, “New answers to familiar questions: English as a lingua franca”, in The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics (CUP, 2015), p. 401)

Anna Mauranen and Elina Rantaには、以下の編書もあります。

Anna Mauranen and Elina Ranta (eds.) English as a lingua franka: Studies and findings (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009)

なお、慶応大学の堀田隆一先生のブログ#1086#1087#1088にも、lingua francaについての詳しい記事があります。

Lingua franca — English

Graeme Trousdale, An Introduction to English Sociolinguistics (Edinburgh University Press, 2010) では、”English is the world’s lingua franca or common language” (p. 1) という表現が出てきます。ここでは、英語の母語話者も含む意味で、lingua francaが使用されています。

Trousdaleは、このように英語がglobal languageとしての地位を獲得したこととの関連で、さらに以下のような記述を続けています。

“It fulfils a global function which other languages do not. There may be more speakers of Mandarin Chinese than there are of English, but Mandarin does not have the same kind of influence in the same number of countries as English does. The number of speakers of Spanish as either a first or second language might be growing rapidly on the American continent, but this does not match the total number of speakers learning English as a second language, in countries as diverse as Germany and Namibia” (p. 1).
