Synchrony vs. diachrony

言語学の基本概念なので、どこにでも定義は見つかるのですが、K. Kay and K. Allan, English Historical Semantics (Edinburgh, 2015)の説明が分かりやすいと思ったので引用してみます。

”Synchronic research focuses on language at a particular point of time, or, more accurately, proceeds as if time is not a factor in the study. The term is often used as if it referred solely to the study of synchronic study of a historical period. A diachronic study, on the other hand, considers a longer period and takes full account of the passage and effects of time; …” (p. 3)



一例を示すと、Richard Hogg は The Cambridge History of the English Language (Cambridge, 1992-2001) の巻頭の序文で、

“One crucial principle which guides The Cambridge History of the English Language is that synchrony and diachrony are interwined, and that a satisfactory understanding of English (or any other language) cannot be achieved on the basis of one of these alone”
