Yoshiyuki Nakao & Yoko Iyeiri (eds.), Chaucer’s Language: Cognitive Perspectives (Osaka Books, 2013)


Studies in the History of the English Languageの既刊号のリストはこちら



Introduction – Yoshiyuki Nakao

Cognitive Aspects of Negation in The Tale of Melibee, The Parson’s Tale, and A Treatise on the Astrolabe – Yoko Iyeiri

Chaucer’s Imaginative and Metaphorical Description of Nature – Akiyuki Jimura

Progressive Diminution in ‘Sir Thopas’ – Yoshiyuki Nakao

Variation in the Use of Think in The Summoner’s Tale, Line 2204 – Hideshi Ohno

Namely and Other Particularisers in Chaucer’s English – Ayumi Miura

A Model of the Ideal and Natural in Social Groups in Mum and the Sothsegger: A Metaphorical Analysis – Yoshiko Asaka
